We are witnessing the increase in hostility, discrimination and intolerance towards immigrants and people of different ethnic or social backgrounds with a great concern.

Most injustice starts small – We want to face and fight that injustice with courage and humanity. This is why we will not tolerate any xenophobic, racist, sexist, homophobic and transphobic remarks and actions in our establishments.

We say No to intolerance and racism that harms the peaceful coexistence of different cultures and ethnic backgrounds in Bulgaria.

We want to live in a united society where people, regardless of race, ethnicity, nationality, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation or disability, are valued and treated with respect.

We stand together for a diverse and inclusive society.

Signed by:


Любимото      Family      Парма      Lavanda

The Little Things          Спортен клуб Бастет          Канаал          Made in Home

The Fridge      Boom Burgers      Yoga Vidya Studio      Мозей

65 светулки      French 75      Уго          Пицария Ариана

Barila Bar              Hip Hop Atelier              Hip Hop Library              Scaptobara

Pastorant          L'Etrange          Road 66          Петлето

Фабрика Автономия        Bistro Pesto        Take a Cake        Ракия бар Ракета

Бар Наклона          Osteo Med          Къщата          Cush.Be

33 Гастронавта          Tell Me          Дрийм хаус          Кеба

Street Chefs          Jazz Bar          HourSpace          Solidarity Works

Beach Bar          Jazz Bar



Апартамент 101    Абсент хаус    Небула



Бар Бранд



This is a social initiative by Bilitis Foundation.

Our mission is to encourage Bulgarian businesses, formal and informal organisations and collectives to support the human rights of all their customers, guests, members and users and take a clear stand against discrimination.


If you want to join the campaign, send an e-mail to m.popova [@]

Participating organisations will “sign” a declaration on this website by adding their logo. By doing so, they declare their commitment to accept diversity, and uphold anti-discrimination values. As a next step, they will receive a sticker stating that no forms of discrimination are tolerated in their establishment.

In addition to adding your logo below the declaration, we will also provide you with a sticker with the message of the campaign, which you can place at the entrance of your establishment.


Join the initiative

Share photos of your sticker on social media

Like our page and share it with friends

Make a donation on our website

Welcome, Human! runs on a minimum budget raised by donations. That's why any help matters. You can donate via the button at the bottom of the page.



ЦЕНТЪР ЗА ЕВРОПЕЙСКИ БЕЖАНСКИ, МИГРАЦИОННИ И ЕТНИЧЕСКИ ИЗСЛЕДВАНИЯ Върховен комисариат за бежанците на ООН Младежка ЛГБТИ организация Действие Асоциация Имаго Български Хелзински Комитет

A project by Bilitis. Logo designed by Yasen Zgurovski.

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